
2000: Graduated of Master’s Degree in Sociology at the University of Havana and the Barcelona Autonomous University.

1995:  Graduated of Bachelor in Philosophy – Sociology at the Havana University.

Marilyn Fernandez has the equivalent of the U.S .degree of Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Master of Arts in Sociology at a regionally accredited institution if higher education in the United States.

 2015: Graduate of Life Coach and Mentor Coach International in Capacities and Coaching American Academy (ACCA).

2016-2022 Director of Board Coach Certified ACCA

Member of the International Coaching and Mentoring Federation

2018 – RBT Course

2020 – Master in Holist Psychology and Coaching in Esneca Formation School (España)

2021- Certified Behavior Health Technician (CBHT) in Vida Training Formation School

Author of Publications:

 –  Coaching de Impacto Social: Promoviendo sujetos y comunidades de cambio.

 – Las mentes maestras del coaching: Viaje al autoconocimiento del ser.

Work Experience

2019- Actually – Mental Health Therapy of Older Adults in Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centers

Marilyn Fernández Pérez


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